Friday, August 22, 2008

Christmas in August

On August 21st the long awaited box finally arrived! It was a large order from a wholesale source for beading materials. Wife Barb was ecstatic as she dropped what she was doing – listing more items on Etsy – and began opening the box, examining the packing slip, expressing disappointment at the several backordered items, but then deciding that she must open and examine each and every packet of “goodies” that did come.

According to Barbara this was a large order. It included a number of sea glass items, sodalite, turquoise, jasper, quartz, kyanite, etc. Unfortunately the print is so small on the packing slip that I likely missed a major category!

Since I’ve taken a more active role in our business, Magpiedreams, I sat fascinated with Barbara opening most of the bags and described the contents to me, letting me feel the items, etc. I especially loved the sea glass.

I imagine the love she has for her craft is the same many of you have for your crafts. You enjoy seeing new raw materials, you see the raw materials as far more than, say, a manager in a factory who oversees the raw materials brought into a manufacturing process. These beads, etc. mean far more to you and you likely get a sense of excitement when you order, go on group buys, visit your local bead store that may sell wholesale, etc.

For me it was exciting sharing in Barbara’s excitement at opening and examining “the box” and I think I know what to get her for Christmas now.



ChezChani said...

I definitely know the feeling...checking the mail everyday for the package, or looking at the tracking code to see when it will arrive. It makes mail exciting again, finally a day where it's not just bills.
I'm expecting an order anyday now, I can't wait!

Kari Bryde said...

Sometimes ordering new "supplies" is the best part about what we do! Really get syour creative juices going! ~Kari

Anonymous said...

thx for sharing your "Summer Christmas" w/us, Ken! it IS always exciting to see sparklies in person, esp if you ordered from an online supplier - I've sometimes been surprised by the loveliness of my new acquisitions, and it really does feel a bit like Christmas! ;) btw, those kyanite earrings are SCRUMMY!!


ThisThisAndThat said...

I'm participating in a bead swap and the bead box has finally made it to my house. The excitement of seeing all the lovely beads is almost overwhelming! What could be better than having Christmas every time our beady gems arrive. Now to make my decisions, and send the box on to the next lucky recipient, so Christmas will arrive again in the next few days for another beading soul.

A Beaded Affair said...

Jewelry crafters are always easy to buy for and just think, how many times in your life do you get to give a gift that you might later make a profit on. lol

Wezz said...

Welcome to the world of excitement of seeing "just" supplies! What we see when we get those is all the possibilities they hold! And I'm waiting for an online order too... tap tap tap.... LOL